Wednesday 22 April 2009

Happy Birthday Hayden

On Saturday Jarom and I surprised Hayden with a special glow in the dark bowling party with his buddies. He was totally surprised.

The bowling Jedi's

Hayden and Parker took their bowling very seriously.

Hampton, Jake and Kyle had a blast playing with the glow in the dark light sabers. (Bubble Wands.)

George Hannah Washington

Hannah had the chance to be the lead in a performance called "United We Stand." She performed at Lakenheath Elementary with other 3rd grade students. She had the chance to sing a short solo and play the part of George Washington. It was great to watch our special daughter perform so confidently.

My Ballerina

Even though our Hannah is a self proclaimed "Tom Boy" she still loves girlie things. This month she had her recital for ballet. She performed a spanish dance with her beloved fan. The recital was simple and fun. A real treat since her teacher never allows the parents to even peek into the windows of the classroom. Hannah enjoys attending ballet at the Youth Center each week. Her teacher is a wonderful, strict Russian ballerina.

On the Way to Eagle

Hampton earned his Tenderfoot badge along with four Merit Badges. Thanks to Dad's encouragement and help from his troop Hampton earned Citizenship in the Nation, Personal Management, Citizenship in and the world and of course the Dentisty Merit Badges. Way to go Hampton!